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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Dolphin Assisted Therapy Essay Research Paper Dolphin free essay sample
Dolphin Assisted Therapy Essay, Research Paper Dolphin helped treatment ( DAT ) is a very questionable subject in the clinical universe. Is it clinical claim to fame or just redirection? Whatever you may accept, you can non deny the way that mahimahis are adoring and sustaining warm blooded creatures with the capacity to demo sympathy. Alongside that capacity for empathy, some may guarantee that there is existent logical order, which demonstrates that collaborations with mahimahis have assisted with taking care of numerous patients. The greater part of the patients in dolphin helped treatment are kids with mental imbalance, Down # 8217 ; s disorder, misery, and other neurological and movement upsets. ( hypertext move convention:/ ) The hypothesis behind dolphin supported treatment depends on two precepts. One of these is that the unconditioned love and back up a mahimahi brings to the table can benefit kids and intellectually debilitated patients from numerous points of view. Similarly as with most invigorate creatures, a mahimahi appears to hold human-like feelings, so a profound believing security can create among patient and warm blooded creature. We will compose a custom paper test on Dolphin Assisted Therapy Essay Research Paper Dolphin or on the other hand any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page A few promoters of mahimahi helped treatment guarantee that the empathy a dolphin show expands the patient? s affirmation, in light of the fact that the patient is neer judged. Expanded confirmation can take to better cultural achievements and scholarly advancement. ( hypertext move convention:/ ) The second segment of the hypothesis includes an increasingly logical assault. It includes reverberation sounding ( reverberation sounding: a shrill sound conveyed by the mahimahi that bobs off an article and comes back to the goliath. The dolphin deciphers the returning resonation to discover the article? s structure, way, separation, and surface ) . ( hypertext move convention:/ ) Some state that the mahimahis? utilization of reverberation sounder and reverberation sounding produce changes in the natural structure tissue and cell development of patients who partner with them. Others accept that sound moving edges radiated by the mahimahis in conveying and reverberation sounding invigorate mending. ( hypertext move convention:/ ) A reducing of uneasiness and sadness, improved securing in debilitated children, and harming mitigation are completely credited, by some examination laborers, to dolphi n reverberation sounding ( hypertext move convention:/ ) . Echolocation is other than thought to help increment going to range, create engine achievements, and grow better co-appointment in kids ( hypertext move convention:/ ) . In spite of the fact that mahimahi helped treatment has numerous heroes, it other than has a major figure of pundits. They state dolphin supported treatment is a promoted supernatural occurrence alongside a sturdy charge. Dr. Bernard Rimland, chief of the Autism Research Institute in San Diego says, ? There is no logical grounds at all that using mahimahis is useful? . It? s a recreational thing. ? Michael Westerveld, a pediatirc neuropsychologist at Yale University? s School of Medicine in New Haven, Connecticut, said? On the off chance that there is any achievement, I? d be more probable slanted to ascribe it to the general impacts of? . the opportunity to communicate with invigorate creatures. You could buy them a little dog and see similar outcomes. ? Other than there has been tiny exploration done about mahimahi helped treatment, which other than makes clinical doctors cautious. ( hypertext move convention:/ ) The other activity with mahimahi helped treatment, some case, is that it is a signifier of cruel treatment to vitalize creatures. They state that keep up ing a mahimahi in detainment just on the grounds that we accept there is some supernatural occurrence solution for inabilities, when there is no existent pertinent proof, is improper. ( hypertext move convention:/ ) A few example surveies delineate the announcements for mahimahi helped treatment. In one example, a 15 twelvemonth old miss named Tracy, all the time kept in a mental ward for gravely upset fledglings, was discovered lying on the sea shore at Eilat, Israel. Her pess were wicked and cut from the fresh coral reefs. She asserted that she was at that place since she had gotten clairvoyant messages from her outsider cousins, the mahimahis. She was offered standard course to with mahimahis, come oning from helping with their eating to possible free swims with the dolphin cod. She appeared to be immediately to hang on the motivation behind this assault, and concurred. She in the blink of an eye set up a truly cozy relationship with one of the mahimahis, Dickey, who was other than a youngster, and was especially antiphonal to her offers. They built up a solid obligation of inviting relationship. In spite of the fact that her conduct had ever been viewed as strange, she figured out how to do positive parts to life at the reef. At the point when she was permitted everyday swims with the mahimahis, she and Dickey played and swam like close companions. At last Tracy had discovered a topographic point to have a place in the reef network at Eliat. Another intriguing case included a mentally unbalanced eight-year old miss, who was brought to the reef from a cantonment for kids carried at that work environment with the mahimahis. In contrast to the others, she was exorbitantly reluctant to swim in the loosened Waterss of the reef. Her mediations were done in the more limited nation of a stage drift in the dolphin pool. She was permitted to take care of the mahimahis by fliping bits of herring into the mahimahi? s oral depression. She was useful and unagitated each piece long as no H2O was sprinkled ; she got insane when sprinkled. Despite the fact that less her mediation was less effective so others, she figured out how to swear the mahimahis lastly had the option to swim with them. Supporters of mahimahi helped treatment revelation ground-breaking support for their place in these case surveies. Profoundly pained children appear to create more noteworthy confirmation and improved cultural achievements. The pundits of mahimahi helped treatment call attention to that there is no logical pertinent proof of the effectivity of this signifier of treatment. Furthermore, keeping up wild creatures in detainment for an unproved purpose denies them a significant segment of their common being in the detached oceans, with their ain sort. ( hypertext move convention:/ ) BIBLIOGRAPHYDolphin treatment: preoccupation or clinical claim to fame? . Walk 28, 2000. November 27, 2000. hypertext move convention:/ A ; Diane Heyburn. Dolphin Assisted Therapy. November 27, 2000. hypertext move convention:/ 1996-200. November 27, 2000 hypertext move convention:/ Dolphin Watch: Introduction. 1999. November 27, 2000. hypertext move convention:/ November 27, 2000. hypertext move convention:/ Dolphin Watch: Introduction. 1999. November 27, 2000. hypertext move convention:/ Rossiter. Shouldn't something be said about Dolphin Assisted Therapy? . April 1998. November 27, 2000. hypertext move convention:/ 338
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Definition and Examples of Linguicism
Definition and Examples of Linguicism Linguicism is separation dependent on language or lingo: phonetically contended prejudice. Its additionally known asâ linguistic discrimination. The term was authored during the 1980s by etymologist Tove Skutnabb-Kangas, who characterized linguicism as belief systems and structures that are utilized to authentic, effectuate and imitate an inconsistent division of intensity and assets between bunches which are characterized based on language. Models and Observations English semantic colonialism is one sub-kind of linguicism. Semantic government with respect to the speakers of any language epitomizes linguicism. Linguicism might be in activity at the same time with sexism, bigotry, or classism, yet linguicism alludes solely to belief systems and structures where language is the methods for affecting or keeping up an inconsistent designation of intensity and assets. This could apply, for example, in a school where the first languages of certain youngsters, from a foreigner or indigenous minority foundation, are disregarded, and this has ramifications for their learning. Linguicism is additionally in activity if an educator slanders the nearby lingo spoken by the kids and this has outcomes of an auxiliary kind, that is, there is an inconsistent division of intensity and assets as a result.(Robert Phillipson, Linguistic Imperialism. Oxford University Press, 1992)Systemic linguicism may show up at whatever point the official instruction system hinder s people having a place with a specific language bunch in the activity of rights delighted in by different understudies. Also, separation may happen at whatever point the state without a target and sensible support neglects to treat contrastingly people whose semantic circumstances are altogether extraordinary. Then again, an administration that has no exhaustive information on the etymological arrangement of the state populace barely can give proof to the objectiveness of its language approach. . . .[F]undamentally, linguicism involves denying individuals of intensity and impact because of their language.(Pivi Gynther, Beyond Systemic Discrimination. Martinus Nijhoff, 2007) Unmistakable and Covert Linguicism-There are various types of linguicism. Plain linguicism is exemplified by the disallowance of the utilization of specific dialects for guidance. Undercover linguicism is represented by true non utilization of specific dialects as dialects of guidance, regardless of whether their utilization isn't expressly forbidden.(William Velez, Race and Ethnicity in the United States: An Institutional Approach. Rowman and Littlefield, 1998)- Linguicism can be open (the operator doesn't attempt to shroud it), cognizant (the specialist knows about it), noticeable (it is simple for non-specialists to recognize), and effectively activity arranged (instead of just attitudinal). Or then again it tends to be covered up, oblivious, imperceptible, and inactive (absence of help instead of dynamic resistance), run of the mill of later stages in the advancement of minority education.(Tove Skutnabb-Kangas, Linguistic Genocide in Education, or Worldwide Diversity and Human Ri ghts? Lawrence Erlbaum, 2000)Promotion of Prestige Varieties of English[I]n English educating, assortments regarded increasingly local like are advanced as progressively lofty for students while restricted assortments are defamed and stifled (see Heller and Martin-Jones 2001). For instance, in many post-pilgrim nations like Sri Lanka, Hong Kong, and India, schools demand showing British or American English. The assortments utilized in regular daily existence, for example, Sri Lankan, Chinese, or Indian English are blue-penciled from homeroom use.(Suresh Canagarajah and Selim Ben Said, Linguistic Imperialism. The Routledge Handbook of Applied Linguistics, ed. by James Simpson. Routledge, 2011) See too: Semantic ImperialismAccent Prejudice and Dialect PrejudiceDrawlEnglish-Only MovementLanguage MythLanguage PlanningMultilingualismNative SpeakerismPrestige
Friday, August 14, 2020
How Do I Get Over My Fear of Social Situations
How Do I Get Over My Fear of Social Situations Social Anxiety Disorder Coping Print How Do I Get Over My Fear of Social Situations? By Arlin Cuncic Arlin Cuncic, MA, is the author of Therapy in Focus: What to Expect from CBT for Social Anxiety Disorder and 7 Weeks to Reduce Anxiety. Learn about our editorial policy Arlin Cuncic Updated on June 24, 2019 Social Anxiety Disorder Overview Symptoms & Diagnosis Causes Treatment Living With In Children Chat with someone on an elevator to overcome fear. Getty / Taxi / Hinterhaus Productions If you suffer from general fears about social situations, exposure therapy can help you to gradually become less anxious in the scenarios that you fear. You can practice exposures as a self-help strategy outside of traditional treatment offered by a cognitive-behavioral therapist. Slowly Build Confidence Instead of throwing yourself into situations that cause you to dread and fear, the idea behind exposures is to slowly build up your confidence and ability to cope by gradually facing more difficult situations. For example, you might start out making small talk with a cashier and work your way up to eventually hosting a party at your home. Problems With Avoidance It is possible to go through the motions of doing exposures but never really engage in the situations. Doing so means that you are using subtle avoidance strategies also known as partial avoidance. If you find that you space out or disconnect when around people, you might be relieving your anxiety through partial avoidance. It is important to be fully present in situations and engage with people in order to experience anxiety and then have it gradually subside. Imagined or in Vivo Although the ideal situation is to practice exposures in real life, if you are too afraid to start out doing this or do not have access to the scenarios that you fear, you can also start out with imagined exposures. Over time, you can then build up to real scenarios, also known as in vivo. Fear Hierarchy Listed below are a series of situations that you could potentially include on your fear hierarchy for exposure to social situations. You will want to create a list that is unique to you and that includes those scenarios that you fear in increasing order of severity. Ask someone for the time. Stop someone on the street or in a store and ask for the time.Talk to someone in an elevator. Instead of standing idly in an elevator, make small talk about the weather or a recent news event.Give someone a compliment. Give a sincere and genuine compliment to someone about something that you admire.Talk to a classmate or coworker. When you arrive to work or to a class, try talking a bit with a coworker or classmate. Ask how the weekend was or about a work or school assignment.Join a conversation. Try joining into an ongoing conversation either at work, at school, or at a social function.Give a differing opinion. If you have a different opinion than someone about something, try offering your viewpoint instead of automatically agreeing with what the other person has to say.Call a friend. Call someone that you havent talked to in a while or that you would like to get to know better.Invite a friend to do something. Make plans for someone to do something like see a movie or take your dogs for a walk together.Go out for lunch with a group. Plan to go out for lunch with friends, colleagues or classmates.Host a party at your home. Plan a party or gathering in your home for several friends or family members. These are some basic ideas to get you started creating your own fear hierarchy for social situations. Remember that you must stay in each situation for enough time that your fear is reduced. Otherwise, your anxiety about the situations will not diminish and may even increase. Although there is much that you can do on your own to manage social anxiety, if you find that your fear is severe, it is important to contact your doctor or a mental health professional for a diagnosis and treatment options.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder ( Adhd )...
Abstract This paper sought to examine the rise in Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) medications and the over diagnosis and over treatment of ADHD in patients. ADHD is defined as a â€Å"persistent pattern of inattention and /or hyperactivity-impulsivity that is more frequent and severe than is typically observed in individuals at a comparable level of development†(Batstra Frances 2012). Since there is an abundance of information concerning this topic, this paper will focus on whether ADHD is over diagnosed or under diagnosed and if it is over treated or not and the benefits and harms surrounding this issue. The over diagnosis of ADHD can be due to social factors such as doctors not focusing on the child’s psychological Is ADHD Overdiagnosed? The American Psychiatric Association (APA) formulated a diagnosis for patients with ADHD based on specific clinical criteria (Batstra Frances 2012) The criteria for ADHD describes chronic behavioral symptoms of inattention, impulsiveness and hyperactivity that are presented to a degree that significantly interfere with a person’s family and peer relations, as well as their educational or occupational functioning. According to the current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual V (DSM-V) criteria there are three main sub-types of ADHD, the mainly hyperactive /impulsive sub-type, the mainly inattentive sub-type and the combined hyperactive-impulsive/inattentive sub-type (Batstra Frances 2012) In the DSM-V, ADHD is definedShow MoreRelatedOver-Diagnosis Of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.1273 Words  | 6 PagesOver-diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is one of the most commonly diagnosed mental disorder among children and adolescents (UCLA). ADHD/ADD usually becomes apparent in children during preschool and early school years. ADHD/ADD affects 3 percent to 5 percent of approximately two million American children (Frequently). Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or Attention Deficit DisorderRead MoreResearch Paper On ADHD769 Words  | 4 PagesAttention deficit hyperactive disorder is when a child is hyperactive, inattentive and impulsive, and is most often diagnosed after the child has started school. This is because most children with ADHD do not have behavior problems at home. Children diagnosed with ADHD have a much better time at home due to the one on one interactions with parents and siblings. Once an ADHD child enters a classroom with eighteen to twenty other students, the ability to control themselves becomes impaired. I hav eRead MoreIs Adhd over-Diagnosed Among School Children1409 Words  | 6 PagesIs ADHD Over-diagnosed Among School Children? After reading the review, (Is ADHD over-diagnosed among school children?) by C. Collins, I am in agreement with T. E. Elder in that yes, ADHD is over-diagnosed. I chose to accompany the review by C. Collins with the article, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, which originated from the Facts on File; Issues and Controversies Database. After reading both the review and the article I highly believe that ADHD is definitely over-diagnosed. In theRead MoreAdha1079 Words  | 5 PagesAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder By Lakisha Mitchell Nash Community College Learning with Behavior Disorders Catherine Jancso EDU 222 10-22-11 Abstract This paper explores the causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a condition that can affect children and adults. ADHD in children can cause trouble with focusRead MoreResearch Papers On Adhd1645 Words  | 7 PagesAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder In the United States, approximately eleven percent of children are currently diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Out of that eleven percent, approximately six present is actually taking medication, meaning about one out of every five children diagnosed are not taking any medication or receiving any mental health counseling. It is not one single test to diagnose ADHD in children and adults, nevertheless ADHD is diagnosed after aRead MoreAttention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder ( Adhd )1210 Words  | 5 PagesADD/ADHD, better known as Attention Deficit Disorder/ Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, is a growing disorder in children and adults alike in the United States. So many people have this disorder now a days that it isn’t a rare thing for a child to be diagnosed with it. In this paper I will go over the cause of ADD/ ADHD, the details about what it actually is and how it affects people, when you need to have the child checked for this disor der, and the many signs and symptoms of ADD/ ADHD disorderRead MoreAttention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder Diagnosis and Treatment1093 Words  | 5 PagesAttention Deficit hyperactive disorder is a prevalent and ever rising affliction in modern societies. â€Å"According to the American Psychiatric Association (2009), attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common mental disorders in school-aged children(Saemi 179)†.While the initial response to handling the syndrome is to medicate it and continually medicate to stem the Simpsons. This is not a temporary instance to cure the disease just a never ending cycle. It is my beliefRead MoreAttention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder ( Adhd )1664 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction Attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD), is a neurobehavioral disorder of the brain. Textbooks typically depict an individual with ADHD as one who is inattentive, highly distractible, unable to contain stimuli, disorganized and exhibits excessive motor activity (Townsend Morgan, 2017, p. 636). It is easy to define a person by their impulsivity; however, it is difficult to try and understand the reasons behind the behavioral patterns that come along with this disorder. Blake TaylorRead MoreIs Adhd A Real Disorder?1495 Words  | 6 Pages Is ADHD a Real Disorder? As children we were used to jump around and ask a lot of question and be careless. Being hyper, curios, and talkative is part of the definition of the term childhood. Most children enjoy doing these activities, and about 15-20 years ago, it was very normal for a child to be hyperactive or talkative. However, nowadays, these behaviors may suggest a very serious condition. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a very usual childhood disorder, which can continueRead MoreThe Overmedication of American Children Essay2566 Words  | 11 PagesWe in America tend to take medications for almost any problem we have, from headaches to gastrointestinal pain, to more serious chronic disorders such as depression and attention deficit disorder. While many of the uses of such medications may be necessary and legitimate, many are not, and due to this fact, many people become dependent on medications, mentally, and or physically. This problem is not simply the fault of the individual; in fa ct, the blame can also be placed upon the medical community
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Essay about Problems in Air Traffic Control and Proposed...
Problems in Air Traffic Control and Proposed Solutions In northern California this summer, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) unintentionally performed its first operational test of free flight; aviation without direct air traffic control. This was an unintentional experiment because it was a result of a total shut-down of the Oakland Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC). Although Oakland is only the 16th busiest ARTCC, its responsible for the largest block of airspace of any ATC facility; 18 million square miles. Oakland directs all upper-level flight from San Luis Obispo, California to the California/Oregon boarder, including most Pacific oceanic routes. The failure happened at 7:13 a.m. local time†¦show more content†¦Flight crews did their own improvising. Some pilots squawked VFR and continued the flight on their own. Others continued on their previously issued clearance, while others climbed into or descended out of Class A airspace without a clearance. Later analysis tells us one of the biggest problems was nobody believed a prolonged outage like this could occur. Both controllers and supervisors worked on the assumption their radar and radios would come back any moment now. The same thought process prevailed at Bay (Oakland) TRACON where operations were paralyzed by the Centers blackout. Its impossible to say how many separation losses occurred during the hour-long episode. Some near mid-air reports were filed, but the vast majority of separation-loss situations will probably go unreported. After power was restored, and the primary radar system was returned to operation, extensive air traffic delays, diversions, and flight cancellations persisted for many hours at Bay area airports, especially departures from San Francisco International. We may never know the full aftermath of this incident. Changes will be made as to how power is fed to ATC facilities, and how maintenance is performed. Contingency plans will be rewritten and controllers will be trained how to implement them. Meanwhile, controllers nation wide are brushing up on their non- radar and lost-comm procedures. After an extensive investigation, its now clear why theShow MoreRelatedProblems in Air Traffic Control and Proposed Solutions4560 Words  | 19 PagesProblems in Air Traffic Control and Proposed Solutions In northern California this summer, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) unintentionally performed its first operational test of free flight; aviation without direct air traffic control. This was an unintentional experiment because it was a result of a total shut-down of the Oakland Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
10 Ways to Keep Fit Free Essays
The Dorm Room Diet Start chugging. Water helps you curb food cravings and feel fuller longer  all for a grand total of zero calories. Sip on your water bottle throughout the day to stay hydrated and lose some of that holiday weight. We will write a custom essay sample on 10 Ways to Keep Fit or any similar topic only for you Order Now Pop in a DVD. A workout DVD, that is. There are tons of options on the market, including Kim Kardashian’s â€Å"Fit In Your Jeans By Friday†series and â€Å"The Pussy Cat Dolls’ Workout. †Um, girls, you might want to stash these so your BF doesn’t swipe them. Pop in a DVD. A workout DVD, that is. There are tons of options on the market, including Kim Kardashian’s â€Å"Fit In Your Jeans By Friday†series and â€Å"The Pussy Cat Dolls’ Workout. †Um, girls, you might want to stash these so your BF doesn’t swipe them. Don’t touch that dial. Squeeze in a little exercise when your favorite TV show takes a commercial break. Valerie Orsoni, founder of LeBootCamp, recommends fitting in a minute each of marching in place, squats, pushups and crunches, followed by an additional minute of marching in place for a mini exercise boost. Muscular System: Muscle Metabolism iframe class="wp-embedded-content" sandbox="allow-scripts" security="restricted" style="position: absolute; clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);" src="" data-secret="P9tttP76CE" width="500" height="282" title="#8220;Muscular System: Muscle Metabolism#8221; #8212; Free Essays -" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no"/iframe Download an app. Grab your iPhone and download Body Fitness, a free application that offers over 320 exercises, complete with instructions and photos. As an added bonus, download Lose It! (also free! ) to track your calorie intake and how much you burn off from the exercise. Clean up. Vacuum, dust and put away your laundry to get a spotless dorm room and a thinner shape. Just 30 minutes of household cleaning burns 85 calories for a 125-pound person. Don’t skip. While cutting out food might seem like the best way to shed pounds, skipping meals slows down your metabolism, which eventually causes you to gain more weight. Eat regular meals full of filling veggies and lean protein to keep your weight in check. Buy some motivation. Use those holiday gift certificates to pick up some exercise gear, suggests Morgan. Exercise bands, a medicine ball and a yoga mat can be bought online and kept in your room to give you the initiative to get moving. Bust a move. No need to head out to the hottest frat party to get your muscles moving. Crank up the tunes and dance the afternoon away to burn some extra calories. If free-styling isn’t your thing, turn on â€Å"Dance Dance Revolution†for a few choreographed steps. Redecorate. Give your room a fresh new look and give your muscles a rigorous workout. Rearranging furniture is serious exercise, so give your dorm the new setup you’ve been dying to try out. How to cite 10 Ways to Keep Fit, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
A good man is hard to find ana Essay Example For Students
A good man is hard to find ana Essay In her short story A Good Man is Hard to Find Flannery OConnor seems to portray a feeling that society as she saw it was drastically changing for the worse. OConnors obvious displeasure with society at the time is most likely a result of her Catholic religion and her very conservative upbringing in the old south. She seems to depict her opinion in this particular story by using the character of the grandmother to show what she saw was happening to the times. Evidence of societys demise is woven into the story, and presented through an interesting generation gap between the grandmother and her family. The grandmother is representative of devoutness and Christianity which OConnor apparently believed to be more prevalent in the glamorous Old South. Attention to prim detail separated the grandmother from the rest of her family who seemed to be living in a different world than she. As she organized herself in preparation for the trip, her family was described as rather common people living in a frusturated middle class world. OConnor described the old woman as she settled herself comfortably, removing her white cotton gloves and putting them up with her purse on the shelf in front of the back window. The childrens mother still had on slacks and still had her head tied up in a green kerchief but the grandmother had on a navy blue straw sailor hat with a bunch of white violets on the brim and a navy blue dress with a small white dot in the print. Her collar and cuffs were white organdy trimmed with lace, and at her neckline she had pinned a purple spray of cloth violets containing a sachet. In case of an accident, anyone seeing her dead on the highway would know at once she was a lady. The parents pay little attention to the grandmother and when they do, they are often quite rude. The unruly children are representative of the breakdown of respect, and discipline, and are consequently a forecast of future generations. They constantly demean the grandmother and at one point, June Star even complains that her grandmother has to go everywhere they go right to her face. OConnor seems to be illustrating not only how times are changing, but how the future generations have no respect for thier precedents. The Misfit represents evil. At one point the Misfit likens himself to Christ, in that they both were punished for crimes they did not commit. Christ accepted death for the sins of all people, however. The Misfit is in a constant battle against his fate that he sees himself being punished without any cause. Although he resists this Christ-like existence he has, he kills other innocent people not to save them, but because its the only real pleasure in life. Near the end of the ordeal, the grandmother recognizes the shirt the Misfit has put on as her sons shirt. Upon observing this image, she realizes that to be truly Christlike, she is going to have to forgive the Misfit and accept him as a child of God. At this point, the Misfit also has a revelation. His lesson however, is that by killing the grandmother, he helped her find God and therefore realizes that he does have a purpose in the world, that he will have to answer to a higher power sooner or later. Flannery OConnor was deeply concerned with the values and the direction of the youth of her time. She believed that Christ was no longer enough of a priority to the people of her generation. A Good Man is Hard to Find is representative of Flannery OConnors concern for the priorities and values of the 1940s. .
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